Phase One
Thinking what to mend and how to do it.

As I thought more about what i want to mend in my life, my once close relationships came to the surface.
Even though i know they are there i wanted to bring them back into the light.

I felt regret and sadness.

Regret for not maintaining contact with such important people. Even now hen its so easy to make a simple call, i fell behind.

Sadness as i felt lonely that i didn't hear or talk to these people in such a long time, or see them in months.
Phase Two

Begining experimental process

As i begin to think how to create this mend. I start to feel excited. Like there is something to look forward to.
Maybe the fact i will be able to work on something with my family over distance. The fact they will have input in my work.

I know the project will be the main goal of the call, but the echnace of more, is something for me to look forward to.

As I beging to experiment differnt types of mending on fabric, it fuels my brain and imagination.

Giving a positive feeling of giving my grandmas old jumper a new life, and how to do it.

Phase Three

Calling the family

The excitement continues. I finally had a call with the family on such a different level than just a talk.

They showed me their ideas and how they thought of them. We were making something together. It was interesting and eye opening how they see us and how they interpreted it.

Phase Four

Mending Jumper, putting all together

Mending the jumper with the designs my family gave me, made me feel proud i could do something with them.

I felt loved that they took the time to think about it and do it. That they co operated.

And it finally felt like i was almost home with them once again. Doing something together.

But also happy i finally gave my grandmas jumper another life.

Such a simple step towards the jumper and my family, Yet such a big impact.