Theory p2
Theory assignment P2. Julia Guziuk

Chosen article : Decolonization as care, Uzma Z. Rizvi

Within this text Rizvi captures various approaches. First clear argument we notice is how she states that certain vectors such as race, gender etc, hold how we see and are perceived in the world, as it takes place in many forms and ways. Therefore your body impacts things you make. Whether you had the privilege or lack of privilege this informs your praxis.

Next Rizvi moves onto identity. How our identity is not static and changes over time and experience. We begin to see how systems have impacted our bodies. One must become more aware and step out of the box to recognize differences and account for other bodies and identities and not only a normative or priviledged body. However this needs time, care and criticality.

Furthermore, Rizvi argues that decolonization is an approach that has everything to do with how the world evolved. Systems are how we are taught modes of being, we should articulate some space for our ¨praxis to evolve¨. She then clearly demonstrates that we must understand culture and that it is everywhere in us and around us. However it is fluid and can be changed once this is recognized, even by minor changes.

Self reflectivity and appreciation of non humans, is what Rizvi also mentions in her text. She states how intimate relationships with non humans have their own potential for creativity and process as well as their own feel or kinetic energy. Once we care for the landscape , different research emerges.

Finally, she argues we are put into a system with lack of human needs. However intersectionality ¨forces the hand of alienation¨. Such as late capitalism, one must take self care and time for self recognition. One must recognize their place in the system to stop and slowly change our ways and praxis. Therefore see decolonization as care.

Distance far away,
In another country.

To my dearest family,

What firstly spoke to me is the connection with non humans. Once I picked up grandma's delicate sweater, I thought of you. I felt the delicate fabric , my fingers poking through the holes formed over the years. I could feel its warmth just like I do being around you. It's as though the jumper whispered gently to connect and mend with you again, with its help.
I have also been recently aware with all this time in my hands that I have been sucked into this system. Leave home, go to college, push my dreams and my limits. Work everyday hard for it. I lost track of time and our connection. I felt alone and upset without you. Yet I managed to step back and reach out to you again. We gave the jumper a new life together.

Throughout this process I realised I can carry something with me in my fashion major. The fabrics I use for my garments, I often choose for their colour or texture, not what they say to me, how they make me feel and what's in their power. I need to feel more with my eyes closed.
As well as stepping out. Realizing my place in the fashion world. With pressure on designers from fast fashion we may lose track of ourselves. By this and taking the time to work in a good environment I may create something better and stronger.

As Rizvis said, Small changes can have an impact.

Till we speak again,

With love,
